We are fully equipped to perform all aspects of mechanical and electrical repairs to your car in our purpose built facilities. We can accommodate cars of all makes and models, 4x4s and light commercial vans.
- - Specialised in-house fault diagnostics
- - Brakes
- - Exhausts
- - Batteries
- - Wheel alignment
- - Air conditioning and re-fills

If your vehicle is more than 3 years old it will require an annual MoT test to ensure that it meets road safety and environmental standards.
Pool Garage is an approved Class 4 MoT testing centre with nominated testing personel and a dedicated testing bay. The test takes approximately one hour and your car can be tested while you wait (advanced booking only). Should your vehicle fail the MoT, repairs can be made on-site to get your car back to the required standard.
Pool Garage keep the majority of common parts required for services and general vehicle maintenance in stock.
We can supply genuine dealer parts or after market parts for your vehicle.